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🛒 Orders

I made a mistake with my order. How do I cancel or edit my order?

If your order was not processed yet, you may cancel your order through the[MY ACCOUNT] page, or click the [edit/cancel] button on the order confirmation email. If your order is unfulfilled but the website does not let you cancel the order, please

I placed an order after creating the account, but I cannot log in or did not receive the order confirmation email.

There is a high possibility that you provided the incorrect email address when creating the account.Please check the Invoice ID or the Authorization key from the receipt that you received, and forward it to the customer service so that we can find th

I placed an order but the address I provided is incorrect.

[DHL] If your order has not been fulfilled yet, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can change the shipping address on our system.However, please understand that although it was unfulfilled, we may not be able to change it if the order

Can I apply multiple discount codes in one order?

Unfortunately, you can use only 1 discount code per order. Although it's your first purchase, you can only apply either the free gift coupon, or any other discount code from the promotion that we are running at that time of period. Keep in mind that

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